
A PHP Full Stack Web Development course is designed to teach learners how to build complete web applications using PHP, a popular server-side scripting language, along with other technologies for front-end and back-end development. It covers the essential tools, concepts, and best practices needed to create dynamic and interactive websites. Below are some common topics and skills that might be included in a PHP Full Stack Web Development course:

Honestly, in 2024 we are still coming across ‘web designers’ who can’t code their own designs. No excuse.

  1. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Basics of web development, including HTML for content structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for client-side interactivity.
  2. PHP Fundamentals: Introduction to PHP syntax, variables, data types, conditional statements, loops, functions, and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.
  3. MySQL or other Databases: Working with databases to store and retrieve data. Learning about SQL queries, database design, and integrating databases with PHP applications.
  4. PHP Frameworks: Familiarity with popular PHP frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, or Zend, which can streamline development and provide essential features and security.
  5. Server Configuration: Understanding how to set up and configure web servers (e.g., Apache or Nginx) and manage PHP configurations.
  6. User Authentication and Authorization: Implementing user registration, login systems, and role-based access control to secure web applications.
  7. Front-end Frameworks/Libraries: Integration of front-end frameworks/libraries like Bootstrap, jQuery, React, or Vue.js to enhance the user interface and user experience.
  8. RESTful APIs: Creating and consuming RESTful APIs to enable communication between the front-end and back-end of web applications or to interact with external services.
  9. Version Control: Learning how to use version control systems like Git to manage code collaboration and keep track of changes.
  10. Deployment: Understanding the process of deploying web applications to production servers and managing hosting environments.
  11. Testing and Debugging: Techniques for testing web applications and debugging to identify and fix errors.
  12. Security Best Practices: Learning about common web application vulnerabilities and how to implement security measures to protect against attacks.
  13. Project Management: Working on real-world projects to apply the learned skills and gain practical experience.

Portfolio Projects

You will complete 100+ projects including front-end UI, an in-browser game that demonstrates your skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, A WAMP stack project that demonstrates software ability, including JavaScript on the front end, PHP on the back end, and persistent data in an MYSQL database. You can showcase these projects on your personal portfolio website when applying to jobs in the field to land better opportunities in IT companies.

Part 1: Web Design

HTML & Web Accessibility

In these courses, you will learn in-depth web development concepts and techniques. You will also gain knowledge of the basics of web development—including HTML, CSS, programming with JavaScript, and source code management. In the Software Development training, you will learn the principles of web development from day one. The fundamentals are taught with user experience in mind, and best practices are consistently explained in each course.

The HTML & Web Accessibility course is meant to give you a strong foundation in the building blocks of web pages, prepare you for later courses, and tie web development into current events and real-life situations.

CSS & CSS Frameworks

The CSS & CSS Frameworks course aims to give you the ability to style the layouts you learned to create in HTML & Web Accessibility. This course covers a wide variety of techniques for styling an interface for the web, beginning with foundational concepts and common practices for writing CSS by hand, and concluding with the usage of related tools that style more efficiently.

User Experience & User Interface Design

The User Experience & User Interface Design course introduces the research skills that you need to identify your users and the solutions you need. Learning about UX/UI will further solidify the earlier concepts of usability and accessibility.

JavaScript & Front-End Web Development

The JavaScript & Front-End Web Development course provides you with a fundamental understanding of your first programming language, practices DOM manipulation and events on front-end web pages,and introduces more advanced JavaScript topics to scaffold information in later courses.

Milestone Project 1: Browser Game

The in-browser game you will build in this milestone project allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of front-end design and development using the skills you acquired in Part 1 of the program.

Part 2: Web Development

Back-End Development & APIs

The Back-End Development & APIs course opens up the world of server-side programming and enables you to create and document custom APIs while following best practices and using industry-standard tools for testing. You will also learn to persist data using a MYSQL database .

SQL & Data Modeling

SQL & Data Modeling prepares you to use relational databases and manage data at a large scale. You will practice creating normalized data models, migrations to manage schema and content over time, and common optimization techniques for the industry.

Milestone Project 2: WAMP Stack Application

In this project, you will combine the skills you acquired in Part 1 of the program with new skills from Part 2 to create a WAMP stack application that demonstrates your knowledge and abilities. Topics

Part 3: Software Engineering

After gaining practical knowledge of web development best practices, you will have an understanding of how to create fully functioning, end-to-end applications that solve business problems. In the advanced courses in this category, you will acquire a better understanding of different programming languages and the infrastructure needed to scale. You will also learn how to implement security.


The Cybersecurity course introduces you to the fundamentals of data access management and encourages you to prioritize securing data and identifying proper and improper access to information. You will build applications to support user authentication and authorization. Discussion topics include several common security flaws and tactics to protect against them as well as encryption and hashing.

Advanced Topics

In the Advanced Topics course, you may learn one or more of the following topics: introductory deployment and DevOps topics & server maintenance.

Milestone Project 3: Final Project

In this milestone project, you will leverage the cumulative skills you have gained in the program to create a complex application of your choice. You will be able to create
a project that utilizes one or more of the technologies covered in Part 3 of the program. This includes but is not limited to identity and access management and containerization and cloud applications.

Career Services

This optional course provides you with the support and tools you need to successfully prepare to enter the field of software development. Career planning services include interview training, professional networking, internship placement assistance, and consultations devoted to perfecting LinkedIn profiles, e-portfolios, and resumes.

This course comes with hands-on projects, practical exercises, and opportunities for feedback to enhance your learning experience.