Full Stack Web Development in sikar

Vishnu Rajoria
year expereince
With 12 years of experience as a professional software developer, Vishnu Rajoria brings real-world industry knowledge directly to the classroom at CSLAB and as the lead instructor, Vishnu has mastered the art of transforming complex technical concepts into digestible knowledge, specializing in the complete web development stack from front-end to back-end technologies.
As a hands-on mentor, Vishnu’s teaching methodology is deeply rooted in his extensive practical software development background, ensuring students learn not just the theory, but also industry best practices and practical problem-solving skills.
Whatsapp/call : +91- 6378535557
Course Curriculum & Syllabus
- Introduction of web development in IT Sector
- Creating your first HTML page and understanding basic markups
- Different types of code editors
- Installation fo VSCode editor
- Working with different HTML tags (ex . headings, paragraph, links, lists, different layouts using table, media, grouping elements,forms etc.)
- Introduction to CSS
- Syntax and Units
- Selectors
- CSS background
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Font styles
- CSS Float and Display styles
- CSS enhancements
- CSS Position
- CSS Different types of Gradient Styles
- Flexbox
- Gird in CSS
- CSS Combinators
- CSS Animation
- Media Queries for Responsive Web Design
- Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Variables
- JavaScript Operators and Assignment
- JavaScript Conditions
- JavaScript DOM Manipulation
- JavaScript Timing Events and Callback
- Understanding Loops in JavaScript
- Working with For, While and Do While, infinity Loops
- Nested Loops
- Getting started with Functions
- JavaScript Function Binding and Closure
- Event Driven Functions
- JavaScript Arrays
- JavaScript JSON
- Advanced Arrays and Objects
- AJAX introduction and Fetch Method
- Async JavaScript
- Async and Await
- Promise and Error Handling
- Regular Expressions
- ECMAScript
- JavaScript - Introduction to ES6 - Syntax & Functions & Arrays
- JavaScript - ES6 Objects & Classes and Strings
- List Item
- What is ReactJs?
- Why to choose react?
- React installation and Basic file structure
- What is JSX?
- React first project
- React as declarative framework
- Understand the concepts of Virtual Dom
- Component in React App
- Class based Components
- Function Components and its types
- Create First Component
- Styling of Components
- Lifecycle of component
- Lifecycle Methods
- Build Custom Components
- What is props and its importance?
- Default props and prop types
- Passing and getting props in to parent & child components
- Why and How to manage State react app
- Working with state
- Updating state with previous
- Working with Array in ReactJs
- How to use map() method
- Comparison of array building without map method
- conditions in array with map method
- List Item
- Context API
- What is react hook?
- useContext hook
- useEffect Hook
- useFetch Hook
- Creating custom react hooks
- How to add Forms in react?
- Regex and Form Validation
- Form Submission
- Listening to User Input
- What is API and API request?
- Introduction to Fetch API and Axios API
- How to add data with the help of above API
- List Item
- Router Setup and Configuration
- Create routes and link components
- Error page and how to handle?
- Nested Routes
- Url params using routes
- Routers and Lists
- Advanced React
- What is Redux and why we should use it?
- Redux Working and Fundamentals
- Introduction to Redux Toolkit(RTK)
- Redux Store
- Working with Redux in React
Resume writing and interview Preperation
- Tips And Tricks Of Writing An Effective Resume
- Steps for Building an effective Resume
- Resume Writing
- Tips for an Ideal Resume
- Aptitude
- Resume Submission
- Linkedin Basics
- Setting Up Your Linkedin Profile
- Making A Great LinkedIn Profile: Tips And Tricks
- Submit Your Linkedin Profile
- Mock Interview Bootcamps
- Personality development essentials
- Effective Communication techniques
- Stress management and getting better at interviews
- Mode and types of interviews
- Jobs Portals and applying for real jobs
- Filtering Fake job offers
- Setting up profile for different job portals
- Writing Formal Emails
- Tools And Techniques Of Formal Email Writing
- Usign AI to get better at writing emails professionally
- Write a cold email for a Job Opportunity
- Active Listening Skills
- Ways To Improve Your Reading Skills
- Writing Skills: What You Need To Know
- Enhancing Your Speaking Skills
- Attributes And Process Of Critical Thinking
- Argument And Reasoning Techniques
- Mastering Guesstimates - Top 10 Guesstimates questions
- Getting better at Problem Solving ability
Option 1 - NodeJs & Express & MongoDB
- Intro to NodeJS and setting up the environment
- Creating your first NodeJS Server
- JSON and Asynchronous JS
- OOPs
- Design Patterns
- About DOM and DOM Manipulation
- About Express Framework
- MVC and Express
- Modules| Routes and HTML Template Rendering
- Express Middleware| Forms and saving data in FS
- Introduction to MongoDB and setting up your first database
- CRUD operations in Mongo
- Mongo Document operations and Integration with Backend
- Introduction to Cookies and Authentication
- Implementing Authentication with Cookies| Node and Express
- Passport.js and Authentication
- List Item
Option 2 - PHP, Laravel,MySQL,Wordpress
- Introduction to PHP
- PHP Intro & install with XAMPP
- Syntax, Variable and echo/print
- PHP Data Types , Strings, Constants, Operators
- Html Form with PHP
- PHP Form Handling
- PHP Form Validation
- Writing logics for smart decisions in app with if, else, elseif, switch
- Doing Repetitive task with looping (for, while, do-while)
- Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
- Creating Custom Function and thinking best patterns
- Call Function by value and Call by reference
- Recursive function
- Creating, Accessing, Searching & Replacing String
- Formatting String, String Related Library function
- Array and Anatomy of an Array
- Creating index based and Associative array
- Looping with associative array using each() and for each()
- Looping with Index based array
- Understanding file & directory
- Opening and closing a file
- Coping, renaming and deleting a file
- Working with directories
- Building a text editor
- File Uploading & Downloading
- State Management, Using query string & (URL rewriting)
- Statement Management using Hidden field
- Using cookies and session
- String Matching with Regular Expression
- What is regular expression
- Pattern matching in Php
- Database Connectivity with MYSQL
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Connection with MySql Database
- Performing basic database operation(DML)
- (Insert, Delete, Update, Select) Setting query parameter
- Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins)
- List Item
AI Tools
- AI tooles s for getting better at programming
- AI tools for Image editing
- AI Tools for Software Building
- AI Tools for UI/UX
- AI tools for Backend Development
- Various AI Tools to be used for Content genration
DSA and Algorithm
- Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms
- Iterative Algorithms
- introduction to Array
- Arrays Mutation
- Multidimentional Array
- Strings and different operation on string
- Recursion
- Advantage and Disadvantage of recursion
- Tree
- Time Complexity & Space Complexity
- Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Stacks
- Stacks using Arrays
- Stacks using Linked Lists
- Queues
- Performing operations on Queue
- List Item