Tranee Full Stack PHP Developer
Other tools : Trello, Codepen, JSFiddle,Canva, Dribbble,Pinterest etc
This project displays multiple categories in the header section. Displayed products changes on clicking on the the categories. On clicking on the pagination link in the bottom user can see the next page
Here products are diplayed on the screen and user can click on the add to button to add product to cart. You can view prdocy added to the cart on licking on the cart icon on the right top of the screen.
A gallery where clicking on the image displayes a popup containing a image slider.
Here in this project user can see some blog post cards . On clicking on any post user can see full content of the blog post in a full screen popup. On clicking on the back arrow in the header section user can go back to the posts cards.
A virtual keyboard where user can print a string on the screen by clicking on the key and clear message one letter at a time by pressing the back arrow.
On clicking on the smaller image the image get expended and other image becoms smaller.